Thursday, March 22, 2007

Are you a ditigal native or immigrant?

I was reading the Guardian and came across some expressions I did not see before. I have added some more expressions.
  • Digital native: 'People that understand the digital language of Internet, games and computers'(Marc Prensky,2001)
  • Digital immigrant: 'Those of us who were not born into the digital world but have, at some later point in our lives, become fascinated by and adopted many or most aspects of the new technology are Digital Immigrants.' (Marc Prensky, 2001)
  • Digital Darwinism: "It is not the strongest or most intelligent that survive but the ones most adapted to digital change."(Gerd Leonhard)
  • Digital Cartesianism: (Boler, 2007, new media society) Descartes thoughts and new technology.
  • Digital inclusion: Make new technology accessible for more people (decrease the digital gap or include the digital the divide)

I just wondered if I will become a digital emigrant or survivor in the next five years.

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